Saturday, October 6, 2007


It's been awhile since I posted a blog, so here is a new one. On Monday we start our third week of classes, which is really hard to believe. I love every one of my classes so this is going to be the best term ever! When I am not in class, I am either wandering around Cork or going out to the pubs with my other roommates. As far as pubs go, some are fun, and some are pretty much just bars, which are not so fun, since neither of us drink. Janelle and I have decided that we need to find more of the fun ones. Apparently there are many pubs in Cork with live music, so we are going to check those out sometime soon.

While wandering around Cork, we have found many cool things. There are many beautiful churches and old buildings, which I love to take pictures of

the English Market, where they sell fresh meat, fish, produce, pastries, etc., and Janelle and I even wandered part way into the country outside of Cork. We didn't go further because the road became very narrow and the sidewalk ended. We didn't want to get hit by a car so we turned around, although we have discovered that one of the city buses apparently goes out that direction, so when we figure out which one that is we will definitely take it.

Yesterday we went to a Rugby game. It was Munster against Cardiff, which basically means Western Ireland against some province of Wales. The game of Rugby itself makes absolutely no sense, but at least it is much more entertaining then American football, so we had a fun time. We even dressed in red to support Ireland, since that is Western Ireland's sports colors.

Tomorrow we are going to Kinsale, a coastal town about an hour from Cork and we are going to take a harbor cruise, which will be totally fun. I will post pictures of that sometime soon.

1 comment:

test said...

Thanks for the update and the pictures of the beautiful Irish countryside. And I thought Oregon was green!