We got there on Friday and went on a night boat cruise on the Seine River and then had dinner in a fancy restaurant up inside the Eiffel Tower :)
The next day we went on a 2 hour bus tour around Paris. That allowed us to see all the famous sites around Paris all at once, and then we could decide which places we really wanted to go to. Here are some pictures of Paris I took while on the tour.
After the bus tour we decided to go to Sacre Couer, a famous beautiful cathedral where you have to walk a whole lot of stairs to the top. At the top you can look out over the city of Paris. It was wonderful. Inside, the nun choir was singing, which was gorgous.
After that, we went to a huge elaborately beautiful cemetary where some famous people are buried and then Notre Dame, which was neat, even though I saw it the last time I was in Paris.
We spent the rest of the day just roaming around Paris. We ate at a Parisian sidewalk cafe, had a french crepe, etc. When they talk about French pastries being incredible, they weren't joking. All over Paris they have pastisseries filled with elaborate DELICIOUS pastries. If I lived in Paris I would get fat because there are so many good things to eat here.
We spent alot of time the next day in the Louvre. It was so wonderful. I wasn't rushed this time and I could go see all that I wanted to see. I skipped the exibits that didn't interest me, such as the Egyptian artifact...boring...and instead saw all the sculptures, all the paintings,including the 4 or 5 other Da Vinci paintings besides the Mona Lisa and Napoleon's quarters when he lived inside the Louvre. Let me just say, that I want to live inside there. It's gorgeous.
After the Louvre, we went to Saint Chapelle, a cathedral that is known for its stained glass, and we weren't disappointed.
The next day was just strange. Apparently, on Monday, many things in Paris close down. We went to Versailles, it was closed. We tried to go to a museum, it was closed. We got all dressed up to go to a play in a Paris theater that was listed in the paper as playing that night, it was closed. So, we hardly saw anything, but instead, we wandered Paris, which was still very fun.
We left on Tuesday at almost noon, but before we left, Janelle and I wanted to go to the museum we had tried to go to the day before, called the Musee d'Orsay, because we heard it was supposed to have some famous paintings in it. That is an understatement. All the paintings I love were in this museum. It was the best art museum I have ever been to. The originals of Monet, Renoir, Degas, Van Gogh...all there. And, to all the Mr. Bean fan's who watched Bean the Movie....The Whistler's Mother. I almost died of laughter when I saw it because all I could think of was Mr. Bean and that dreadful movie. I took a picture of every famous painting, but since there were so many, I'll just show you the ones that are my favorite. I appologize for the quality of the pictures, flash photography was not allowed.
So, in conclusion, if you ever get the chance to go to Paris, GO!!! It is incredible and you won't regret it.